How to Make UX Design Work For High Conversion Rates
Why is the user experience, also known as UX, so important for the achievement of high revenues and website popularity? Because the fact of your website’s existence depends on whether it is successful or not. No matter what the client wants: to buy a product, find a service, read a blog post or subscribe to a newsletter, you must make sure that he or she does not have a single barrier to that goal. If the site is not user friendly, convenient or useful, then what is the point of your site?
Proper and strategic user experience can increase conversions by more than 400%. Simple and clear website design, without bells and whistles and a million pages with an abyss of milk-and-water content created for SEO purposes, will help customers to easily find what they want, even if they still cannot clearly state it. You need to help them navigate quickly and without problems.
Let’s look into the subtleties of user experience that can help you to directly influence the conversion.
Before We Start: Knocking on the Evidence Door
Just four words: optimization for mobile devices.
We hope that you take care of this in advance without a reminder because, in the modern world of gadgets and devices, responsive design is more important than ever. If your site loads equally well on a mobile screen and a personal computer monitor, then everything is in order. If not, then there is something to think about. Or rather, urgently deal with this, otherwise, all further tips will not benefit your resource.
Do a Spring Cleaning
Beauty is a subjective concept. In addition, even if the site is beautiful, this does not mean that it is able to correctly cater to client needs. No matter how insulting and painful it is for you, you must become a surgeon and cut off everything unnecessary, useless and just superfluous. Get rid of what prevents visitors from seeing their purpose. This is extremely important as you only have 5 seconds to convince the visitor to stay when he gets on your site for the first time.
This will be your first web-based cleaning experience.
Until you delete everything that is not necessary, it makes no sense to start promotional activities to increase the visibility of the site. You can imagine the sensations of a person who comes to you with enthusiasm and, having experienced a sense of horror from a terrible design, runs away at a breakneck speed.
Spring cleaning includes the correct distribution of the so-called white space. It is often the subject of jokes or neglect, like all serious and really important things that seem too obvious to even start any discussion. That’s why we so often meet platforms that are painful to look at because of the abundance of content that the creator tried to shove into absolutely every spot imaginable. Surely he or she laughed loudest at the recommendation for white space. True story.
Important semantic points of any pages should breathe, that is, have enough free space around them. Then, they will easily attract the attention of the visitor and greatly simplify navigation. You need to find a reasonable balance without going to extremes. But you will see, this will significantly affect the conversion: a potential client will finally find specific offers and not endless canvases of text.
Bring Order to the Content
So, you listened to our recommendation and deleted everything that prevented the visitor from leaving your site because of superfluous visuals. Fine! Now our task is to restore order among the content that remains after cleaning. This is a rather routine and a rather boring task, which you may have partially heard about. But this does not make it less useful for a good UX.
Making content useful, consumable, and concise is almost the same as preparing a tasty and healthy dish. And just like in cooking, there are many recipes and ingredients added to some of the main milestones:
- Write only to the point and avoid vague general language. Standard phrases have long been set people’s teeth on edge. Having fun with such things, you really risk not only losing the visitor once but also his trust in the brand as a whole.
- Improve structure to the maximum of your capabilities and a sense of proportion and relevance. Short sentences and paragraphs, simple words without jargon, numbered and bulleted lists, relevant subtitles—each of these elements will be a stepping stone for a person on the way to targeted action and the increase of the average time spent on the site.
- Add visuals: images, videos and infographics. They are always more engaging than plain text and will act as a magnet if the next text block does not seem so interesting to the visitor (but remember that your text should not cause a desire to fall asleep).
- Write clear and appealing calls to action and highlight them with vibrant colors. UX cannot exist without these small phrases, which are the logical conclusion to each of your text blocks. It makes no sense to talk about anything if, in the end, you do not offer a person to commit an action: this is a waste of site space and your efforts in general. Color recommendations may vary depending on the color scheme of your site. Make calls catchy and action-oriented using action verbs like Subscribe, Start, Send, and so on.
At this stage, you can calmly embark on internal and external linking, as well as link building, if you are already eager to start improving site performance in the eyes of search engines. Modern solutions such as LinksManagement allow you to automate the process of acquiring links and leave you time for things that require more of your involvement.
Ensure Freedom of Communication
Surely once you came across a situation where you really needed to contact the administration or employees of the company. However, the site had nothing but a hopelessly outdated form that passively absorbed your messages and sent them nowhere. And of course, no one called you back or answered in a letter. And, naturally, you went to another site. This should not happen to a visitor of your resources!
The feeling that the administrator or consultant is right next to you ready to answer any question while you are navigating through the pages is fundamentally important for the modern user.
The most cutting-edge option is a live chat. It is fast, convenient, and reliable: you will not miss a single question from the visitor and can provide an instant answer. The main thing is not to make it too intrusive and asking questions at every step: it is enough to indicate its presence on the side of the website. Add an avatar of a consultant in order to make visitors understand that they are talking to a living person.
Final Thoughts
Going beyond the visual component and putting yourself in the shoes of a client is a great way to look at your site from the outside and evaluate its professional suitability. Time to shed light on the really necessary aspects and not spend precious resources on supporting useless ones. Our tips will help you to cope with this challenge. So trim the sails to the wind and just give customers what they want.
Marie Barnes writes for Photza, photo retouching service. She is an enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about technology, social media, work, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs.